On Friday when the #FollowFriday game is in full force we realize one thing. Some people? Are idiots.
When we say *SOME* we are being generous to not include a wider section of the Tweeps out there.
We ask ourselves our own question: "Why do tweeps #FF us and they DON'T follow us?" Cleary they aren't as popular to assume they can just RT someone ELSE'S #FollowFriday and NOT follow the people on the list???
They don't have their OWN friends to #FollowFriday and hence we are stuck in the ugly cycle of someone just RT happy to see their name in a list of cool people and NOT on their scribble pad with and *I Love* before it.
DO NOT RT a #FollowFriday list JUST because you think you LOOK cool to do it.
You? Look like a self absorbed idiot.