Within minutes of the site launch, we had a victimized lad desribing the horror of getting #tweetjacked on the social networking site- Twitter.com Poor fella! Since we don't mention names here and we are kinda responsible for the latest game we happily refer to as #tweetjackin - we felt it reasonable to address his issue.
First: *hands gold star to dude victimized* To answer the question properly we must look into the realms of darkness and come to terms with the site in question. In the wild, bears rely on water sources for hydration and food. Yes, food. *Think salmon.* Bears see a yummy, tasty salmon swimming up stream trying to get to the sacred ground of happy, hottie chicks waiting to spawn...but then? GULP! No more salmon. Why? The answer to this lies in the basic precept of, "yummy, yummy to my tummy." Yeah- we might be carazy.
But the moral of the story is simple. Dude- you must be famous. Pure. Simple. Famous. #tweetjackin is not meant to cause mental anquish. It's meant as a "mixer" of sorts. And you sir? Must be a pretty tasty salmon in the stream. Pickin up what we're putting down?!? It's not your fault you rock! Or, that others want to be like you. Heck- it could be a whole lot worse.
Don't let those #tweetjackin insulters get you down. They are just helpin you gain fame. *This post is brought to you via our website. Most notably because this abused fella keeps getting his nerves grinded by several incessant RT and #tweetjackin tendancies from other tweeps.
Chillax! Could be worse. You? Could be called a Tool.